Invisalign Chilliwack
Invisalign translucent removable aligners work like braces to help align your teeth at the same time as being more aesthetically appealing than conventional metal braces. Invisalign braces calls for the use of a succession of translucent customized aligners that are comfy to wear and very durable, yet are detachable for times when you have to brush, floss, eat, or drink. They are set up to be replaced about every two weeks, aiding your teeth to move steadily, week by week until they have shifted into the preferred position. |
Cosmetic Dentists Chilliwack
Meadowbrook DentalPHONE: 604-792-2400 514-45715 Hocking Ave. Chilliwack, British Columbia Email Us
Dr. Don Utas received his Dental degree from the University of Saskatchewan 18 years ago and bought Meadowbrook Dental in Chilliwack a year later. As a lifelong learner, he has earned a Diploma of Technology at BCIT and a Bachelor of Education at Simon Fraser University and worked as a Park Ranger and a high school teacher before devoting his life to helping people through dentistry. | ||