Dental veneering is a sophisticated technique utilized on anterior lower arch and front upper arch teeth to alter existing teeth and also to cosmetically restructure the smile. It is normally applied in situations to repair problems with teeth that have gaps in them or crowded teeth, discolored teeth, to extend short teeth, or to change the profile of teeth.
Veneers are a thin coating of porcelain ceramic that is bonded to the patient's tooth, but are only fixed on the sides and front exterior of the teeth. The only side of the tooth that will remain unchanged will be the backside. With the use of photography brand new colors and styles can be personalized according to the appearance and facial structure in addition to the patient's personality.
Ceramic veneers offer the most life-like material and have great ability to resemble real teeth. It is the main aesthetic treatment utilized to modernize a smile as overlays will shine, have depth and layers in shading, reflect light, feel soft, and appear as if they were your very own. The main contrast between existing teeth and dental veneers are that veneers will not discolor over time and if properly preserved they can last for many years.
Before the start of the treatment, information about the state of the teeth must be gathered and analyzed by your oral health care professional. Info accumulating happens by carrying out a wide-ranging examination, making upper and lower teeth impressions, digital x-rays, photographs, and a bite analysis. Only after all the information have been collected and assessed by a team of oral health care specialists can an extensive consultation to cover all the treatment options. Parts of the redesigning procedure will feature personal attributes such as complexion, colour of hair, style, face shape, lip formation, thickness and length of the smile will be examined to be incorporated into the result.
The full veneering process will take around four treatment visits and can be accomplished in less than a month.
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